How Big of an Inverter Can My Car Handle: Explained with Expert Tips and Tricks

How Big of an Inverter Can My Car Handle: Explained with Expert Tips and Tricks

If you’re planning to power your electronics or appliances while on the go, you may need an inverter. But before you go ahead and buy one, you need to know how big of an inverter your car can handle. In this article, we will guide you through the process of selecting an inverter that’s compatible with your car.

How Big of an Inverter Can My Car Handle:

Understanding Your Car’s Electrical System

To determine the maximum size of an inverter that your car can handle, you need to know its electrical system’s capacity. Your car’s electrical system consists of the battery, alternator, and wiring. The battery is the primary source of power, while the alternator recharges the battery and provides additional power when the engine is running.

Calculating the Maximum Size of an Inverter

To calculate the maximum size of an inverter that your car can handle, you need to determine the maximum amperage that your car’s electrical system can provide. You can do this by looking at your car’s alternator rating, battery capacity, and wiring capacity.

Experts recommend that you select an inverter that’s no more than 80% of your car’s electrical system capacity. For example, if your car’s alternator can provide 100 amps, your battery can hold 60 amps, and your wiring can handle 50 amps, the maximum size of the inverter you can use is 1280 watts (100 + 60 + 50 = 210 amps, 80% of which is 168 amps, which translates to 1280 watts).

Choosing the Right Inverter for Your Car Once you’ve determined the maximum size of the inverter that your car can handle, you need to choose the right inverter for your needs. Inverters come in various sizes and types, ranging from small portable ones to large ones for industrial use.

When choosing an inverter, you should consider the type and number of devices you want to power, as well as their power requirements. You should also consider the inverter’s features, such as its waveform type, efficiency, and safety features.


What happens if I exceed my car’s electrical system capacity with an inverter?

Exceeding your car’s electrical system capacity with an inverter can cause a variety of problems, such as draining the battery, damaging the alternator, or causing the wiring to overheat. These problems can lead to your car not starting or even catching fire, which can be dangerous. Therefore, it’s crucial to determine your car’s electrical system capacity and choose an inverter that’s compatible with it.

Can I use multiple inverters to power my devices in my car?

It’s possible to use multiple inverters to power your devices in your car, but it’s not recommended. Using multiple inverters can increase the load on your car’s electrical system, which can cause it to exceed its capacity and potentially cause damage. Instead, you should choose a single inverter that can handle the total power requirements of all your devices.

Are there any safety precautions I should take when using an inverter in my car?

Yes, there are several safety precautions you should take when using an inverter in your car. First, make sure the inverter is securely installed and grounded to prevent electrical shocks or short circuits. Second, don’t operate the inverter when the engine is off, as this can drain the battery. Third, don’t overload the inverter with devices that require more power than it can provide. Finally, always turn off the inverter when it’s not in use to prevent battery drain or other issues.


In summary, before buying an inverter for your car, you need to determine how big of an inverter your car can handle. This involves understanding your car’s electrical system and calculating the maximum amperage it can provide. Once you know your car’s capacity, you can choose the right inverter for your needs. By following these expert tips and tricks, you can ensure that your inverter works seamlessly with your car’s electrical system and provides reliable power for your devices and appliances on the go.